Oz Amram


I’m Oz, a postdoc at Fermilab working on particle physics research. I’m a member of the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider. The CMS experiment tries to understand what the fundamental building blocks of the universe are and how they interact. I am particularly interested in ways in which machine learning can help us in this quest.

My research is currently focus is on model independent searches for new physics and fast simulations of complex calorimeters using machine learning methods. Previously I also worked on precision electroweak measurements and various aspects of the CMS pixel detector.

I completed my PhD at Johns Hopkins University in 2022. My thesis was titled “Searching for Anomalies in Proton-Proton Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider”.

I also regularly write for ParticleBites, which summarizes recent particle physics papers at the undergraduate level. You can read some of my recent posts here.

I also (occasionally) post to my non-physics related blog EthicalAnalysis.